A Project Time Tracker app for small businesses to organize and manage your billable work on client projects. Effortlessly track what's been done on a project via Flat Rates, Hourly Time, Project Expenses, and generate a PDF Invoice for billing.
No Subscriptions • No Project or Client Limits • No Internet Connection Required
One-Time Payment • MacOS Desktop
Requires macOS Sonoma 14.6 or later
No matter if you have 1 Project or 100 Projects, never worry about upgrading to add more. Go ahead and add as many projects that you need. When you're done, export a PDF Invoice and send it to your client.
Track everything that has been done on the project you're working on. Each project is broken into multiple parts for easier tracking and billing.
Flat Rates, Hourly Time, Project Expenses, and Payments
Under Flat Rate & Project Expenses you can add and Edit, project Dates. Give a complete Description of what was worked on or purchased. Enter the Billable Amount along with Tax, and the Tax Total and Project Total will be automatically added.
In the Hourly Rates tab you'll be able to activate the Timer to precision tracking and a new line item will be created with the total time. Add or edit your hourly rate, and have the Tax Total and Project Total automatically generated.
Each client project can be assigned a status from a simple dropdown.
Active, Invoiced, Hold, Overdue, Paid, Completed, or Estimate are just one click away in the project header window.
In the projects list, sort all the projects by status for quick access to specific projects types.
Never worry about somebody else having access to your project data. Everything is stored locally, there are no online servers to connect to, your data is yours.
Add as many clients as you need, there are no limits, and edit their information at any time. The client window allows you to input all the necessary information you need to be able to generate a proper invoice.
With the inclusion of 'Client Notes' you can add additional information for your personal reference.
Kajigger is an App being developed by Studio Gibbous